Monday, March 7, 2011

Antioch Church of Santa Cruz: The Journey of Lent

“A journey, a pilgrimage! Yet, as we begin it, as we make the first step into the ‘bright sadness’ of Lent, we see—far, far away—the destination. It is the joy of Easter, it is the entrance into the glory of the Kingdom.” Alexander Schmemann

This Wed. we will join millions of brothers & sisters around the world as we begin the season of Lent in Santa Cruz. After nine weeks of Epiphany, where we were able to see some of the significant events in the life of Jesus, we now start down the road that leads to the crucifixion. Yet, as we travail down this road, knowing Jesus willingly gives Himself for us, for mankind, we have far away the joy of Easter where Jesus brings the ultimate blow to sin & death: He is Risen! Yet for now we allow ourselves to enter into the despair, betrayal, & evil intent of creation as it rebels against its creator.

Lent is 40 days long, & it starts this Wed. March 9. During this time we will enter into a season of fasting. Fasting is an ancient tradition where individuals & entire communities remove something from their lives, which is close to their heart, in order to draw close to God & allow Him the place in our hearts all He desires. Fasting helps to remind us of what we do & don’t “need.” Too, as we remove certain things from our lives we also add things such as: Prayer, Solitude, Meditation, Fellowship, Study, & Service. All of these spiritual exercises help to strengthen our souls as we journey with each other & Jesus.

Here are some examples of what some of us are fasting:
Laben: No beer or movies.
Sean: No coffee & no meat on Fridays.
Rachel: No sugar or coffee. One day she won’t eat any food until night time when she will take communion, after which she will eat.

Pray & see what God would have you fast during Lent. Remember 40 days is a long time; however, as we take things out of our life, fasting reveals to us the riches we have in God; we are created from Him it is in Him that our souls find ultimate rest. Fasting helps to focus our souls on God. What will you fast?
Each Monday I will post on this blog the scriptures we will be looking at on the following Sunday at Antioch Church. For example we will use the scriptures below during our worship time March 13. The reason I’m doing this is so during each week, as you spend time with God, you will be able to read, study, & meditate upon God’s word as an individual before we gather as a community. As we meditate upon God’s word & let our roots grow deep into Him, we are sure to find strength & understanding. Most importantly we will find Him.

This week’s scripture as we focus on Jesus' 40days in the desert:
Matthew 4: 1-11
Genesis 3-4
Mark 8:31-38

As you read some questions you can ask yourself are: What is God speaking to me? What stands out to me? What does this tell me about God or my journey with Him? What does this mean for my day or week in Santa Cruz? What does this mean for our church community in Santa Cruz?

Over the next 40 days we will journey with Jesus as He allows Himself to be betrayed, tortured, & killed. This is the good news. He takes our shame, sin, & death, putting it into Himself rising on the third day after His burial so “we might become the righteousness of God.” Lent is a journey of sorrow leading to God’s ultimate historical triumph.

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