Monday, April 25, 2011

Antioch Church of Santa Cruz: Easter Week #2

What a wonderful Easter we had: Great food, great company, baptisms, worship, & the sharing of communion with each other. It is a blessing to be church together in His presence & in Santa Cruz.

This last Sunday marked the what is the greatest event in the history of the world: The Rising of a Man captured & killed by the Romans. Jesus, the first person to rise from the dead; Jesus, God's ultimate demonstration of his commitment to redeem creation, God's demonstration to redeem us.

In most churches Easter builds toward one Sunday; however, as we journey through the liturgical calendar we will be taking a journey through Easter for four more weeks. Jesus' resurrection was just the beginning of what God was doing not the end. The resurrection demonstrated what God had done. Now, in the Biblical story the disciples are left to demonstrate what God desires to do through His people the church. For the next four weeks we will explore one of the greatest theological questions about the resurrection: "So what?"

This week we look at three different sections of scripture:
John 20:19-31 This is the account of what happened after those who followed Jesus discovered He had risen from the grave. What are their reactions? Is their disbelief encouraging to you? How would you have responded? How will you respond now?
1 Corinthians 15:1-34 This is one of the great chapters in the Bible about the resurrection. Who is Paul speaking to & why? What was the church believing that wasn't true? Why is it important for the church in Corinth to believe correctly about the resurrection; why does it matter?
Ephesians 1 Paul again describes why the resurrection is crucial to our faith. Why is the resurrection crucial to who we are? Why does it matter so much?

The resurrection is the center piece of our faith. It may sound weird in a day & age when other aspects of Jesus' life are set as being of upmost importance; however, when we look at the amount of text or dialogue given to the resurrection in the New Testament it become clear: The Resurrection matters & it matter a lot. In fact, it's clear the early church wasn't so eager to "go to Heaven," but they were willing to be eaten by lions because they knew they too would rise again as a part of God's new creation. Do we share the same perspective or convictions? The resurrection is the promise we have as God's church. Too, this is the hope for Santa Cruz, that the church would live out the resurrection before them so they too would have the opportunity to know life.
What does it mean to live the Resurrection? What's it mean to be the church in Santa Cruz?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Antioch Church of Santa Cruz: The Journey of Lent #6

What's up incredible Antioch Church. This week marks the last week of Lent & celebrates the greatest event not only in church history, but world history: The Resurrection of Jesus. Only one man in history has risen from the grave & this event is the central event in all of creation & our faith as well. In fact, resurrection is one of the main themes throughout the whole New Testament. Why? Because Jesus buried death in the grave &, as I've said several time, "if we die with Him we will also live with Him." God, through Jesus, demonstrates the fullness of His plan: We will be resurrected; death has been defeated; we will enjoy a New Heaven & New Earth. This is the promise for the church both in Santa Cruz & the church world wide.

The Resurrection marks God's promise to redeem creation & Jesus is the firstfruit of what God intends to do, & is in fact, already doing through us his church. When creation was corrupted through sin God made a covenant with man to redeem it, which He has been faithfully doing & now takes it's ultimate form in the resurrection of Jesus. As Jesus is now at the right hand of the Father, we are left behind to demonstrate to the world the power of the resurrection; in fact we would be right in saying, the church is creation as it should be. This is a tall order, but through love, repentance, grace, & worship we are becoming just that. Jesus is the demonstration of the new creation; we, the church, are the demonstration of a new creation. "...on earth as it is in Heaven..."

Here are the scriptures for this week:
Isaiah 25:6-9 Isaiah shares with the church the imagery of the wedding feast & at the same time imagery of what Jesus accomplished through putting death in the grave.
John 20:1-18 John tells us the dramatic story of those who discovered the empty tomb. No one expected Jesus to rise from the dead; yet, his rising revealed God's continued commitment to creation. Too, "as we die with Him, we will live with Him." He is the first fruit of those who will be resurrected; His church, the called out ones: Us.
Acts 10:34-43 Here Peter shares the testimony about the resurrection of Jesus. Is this how we as a church describe our risen King?

Here's a great link to a video by Rob Bell:

Please take time to ponder what this week stands for: We are the church, God's called out ones; We are the church, God' redeemed ones; We are the church, the salt, light, & hope of the world; We are the church, those who will be resurrected like our Master; we are the church, God's demonstration of what the Kingdom is like; We are the church, the bride of Christ & the only reason we exist is because Jesus rose from the grave on the third day. Jesus is God's plan for creation & we are a part of the plan.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Antioch Church of Santa Cruz: The Journey of Lent #6

This week we start down the road traveled by Jesus as he enters Jerusalem: The Triumphal Entry. The King of Kings enter the Holy City & is greeted by the faithful who wave palm branches singing, “Hosanna. Hosanna.” Those who love Jesus sang, & still sing songs of: adoration, praise, & joy. Jesus is the long awaited Messiah, the one who would ransom Israel from captivity, freeing mankind from sin & death. As the King enters his city, this greeting is appropriate for the only one who could shoulder the burden of mankind: Jesus. 
As we draw close to Palm Sunday we look at several important scriptures:
Psalm 118 is a psalm of praise to God for His deliverance. How do you resonate with the psalmists posture of praise to God? Can we recite this psalm with open hearts & attest to the saving power of our God?
John 12:12-50 describes the scene of Jesus’ entrance into the city. Imagine yourself as one of the onlookers. What would it have been like to be there as Jesus was riding into the city on a donkey? Too, as Jesus rides into the city in triumph, remind yourself of why he is going into Jerusalem: To be betrayed & crucified for our sins.
Isaiah 42:1-9 is an incredible description of Jesus. As you read through this scripture do you see Jesus like this? How does this description of Jesus expand on who you think he is? Often we get such a small idea of who Jesus is when in fact he is much larger than we realize. 

As always, take some time each day to pray, relax, & spend time with God. Sit down in a quiet place (or noisy if you like) & allow the Spirit of God & His word to penetrate your heart. Allow space for God to change you into His image. As we do this God will transform us into the image of the Son He loves & we too will demonstrate the Kingdom of God here on earth. We are the church, the “called out ones.” We are the ones God uses to demonstrate His glory, patience, & power through. Let us: Read, Pray, & “do the stuff,” as a church in Santa Cruz & beyond.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Antioch Church of Santa Cruz: The Journey of Lent #5

This week we find ourselves walking "out of the depths," in the Season of Lent. As we walk with God as a church during this season, one of the themes is: Our sin. Sin separates us from God & creates all sorts of bent perspectives in our relationship to God & our relationships to each other. However, when we cry out to God He offers forgiveness & reconciles the estranged. Thankfully, God is faithful, forgiving, & desires to help us as we walk with Him in Santa Cruz. Hopefully as you read, pray, & meditate through these scriptures you are reminded of who God is & what that means for us, His Children.

Here are the texts for this week:
Psalm 130 expresses the themes of Lent simply & elegantly.
John 11 Read the story for all its dramatic tension. Observe Jesus' enigmatic behavior & cryptic words. Do you believe His words?
John 12:1-8 Mary, partly in gratitude for her brother's return & partly in anticipation of Jesus' death, pours her costly perfume upon Jesus. Meditating upon this tender moment will begin to prepare you for the sober days of Holy Week just ahead.

The Rising of Lazuras: Van Gogh

Take time this week to read through these passages. Read them slowly, quietly, or outloud. Let the stories sink deep into your heart & allow God room to shape you. Do we believe these stories? Do we believe Jesus is the "resurrection & the life?" If so, what does that mean for our lives? What does it mean to be the church in Santa Cruz?