Monday, February 28, 2011

Antioch Church of Santa Cruz: The Transfiguration

This week is the last week of Epiphany, which then leads us into the season of Lent. Over the past 8 weeks we've joined many within the worldwide church as we have looked at several major events in the life of Jesus: His Birth, Baptism, Miracles, Declarations about Himself, & the Disciples response. This last week we will look at the Transfiguration where Jesus' "face changed, and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning."

Once again, Epiphany is a season meant to help us see who Jesus is. These events help us to see the uniqueness of Jesus, his purpose, & life. There never has, & never will, be anyone like Jesus. He is utterly unique among all the people who have ever walked on the face of the earth: Sinless, Fully God yet Fully Man, the only Person to have Risen from the Grave; He is the centerpiece of History. Epiphany helps us to see Him as He truly is.

The main text we will look at this week is Luke 9:28-36. As we meditate upon the text through the week several questions come to mind: What does this tell us about Jesus? Why does any of this happen or matter? How does Peter's reaction make us feel? Too, the stories before & after the Transfiguration are important as well. How does the context of the Transfiguration change how we see it?

The secondary texts are:
2 Corinthians 3:12-4:6
Psalm 99

I encourage you to read these texts each day. Ponder them in your heart & let them shape the way you see God the Father, Spirit, & Son. As you worship Him seek to find out how what you've experienced with God will spill over into your day. In the Transfiguration Jesus shines brightly & we, His present Body in Santa Cruz, should shine just as brightly in our city. How will the Transfiguration transform Santa Cruz & what part will our church play in transforming it?

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